Journalling Prompts & Questions for Teens

The teenage years for many involve a rollercoaster of emotions and a searching for belonging, meaning, identity and finding one’s place in the world. Keeping a journal can provide an especially effective method of exploration for teens, as well as a private space for them to write/doodle about their deepest feelings and thoughts.

Journals can be used for anything but below are some prompts & questions as starting points InShaAllah.

If you are a parent reading this then please respect your teenager’s privacy regarding their journal. If they choose to share their journal with you then of course that’s fine. But otherwise just acknowledge that a journal is a private, safe and sacred space for most people, especially teenagers!



♥ My biggest fear

♥ My greatest hope

♥ Trust

♥ Connection

♥ Struggle

♥ Friendship

♥ Sun Behind the Clouds

♥ With Hardship Comes Ease

♥ Confusion

♥ Scared

♥ Who am I?

♥ Judgement

♥ Belonging


Select, Reflect and Write or Doodle about:

♥ Sayings, words, quotes etc that inspire you

♥ A verse form the Qur’an that comforts/inspires you

♥ One of Allah’s (swt) Names 

Questions  ???

♥ If I could speak to my anger, fear, anxiety – what would I say to it?

♥ If my anger, fear, anxiety etc could speak what would it say?

♥ What physical sensation do you notice when you feel anxious/scared/shame?

♥ Make a list of things you can do that make you feel better

♥ Write about a time when you felt frustrated/anxious etc

♥ What do you worry about?

♥ Write to Allah (swt) about how you feel, your fears and hopes

♥ Write about your dreams, wishes and goals for the future InShaAllah

♥ Which Islamic personality do you feel closest to and why?

♥ What makes a good friend?

♥ Who understands me?

♥ What’s the biggest challenge I’m facing at the moment?

♥ If I could give advice to myself when I was 5 years old what would I say?

♥ What makes you unique?

♥ List 10 things that make you happy or smile

♥ List 10 things that make you sad

♥ List 10 things that make you angry

♥ What makes me feel more connected to Allah?

♥ How would a friend describe you?

♥ 5 things you are grateful to Allah (swt) for today

♥ What habits would you like to change and how can you do this?

♥ What are you passionate about?

♥ What motivates you?

♥ Write about how you have helped others or how you would like to help others?

♥ What matters most and is important to you?